The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Tooth # 6 and another ear infection

Tooth # 6 came a few days ago and I can't believe how quickly it is coming in. These top middle teeth seem to come in quickly.

Day care called on Friday and said they thought she had an ear infection. She was crying every time Lynda tried to lay her down. She would act fine as long as she was vertical. She didn't nap a single wink that day. I took her to the doc and she does in fact have another ear infection. Poor baby girl. Today is Saturday and she seems to be feeling fine now that we have her on the antibiotics and ear drops that numb her ears.

We had a fun day today. She's really very close to crawling. Check it out:

So cute!!

We discovered today that she loves to sit at the sliding glass door and pound on it and smoosh her face on it. Too funny and too cute!!

Lauren does not like the beef and spagetti baby food, or the chicken and pasta, or the chicken or turkey and veggies. I'm wondering if she doesn't like meat much or if it's just the meat in baby food she doesn't like. I can't blame her, I find it pretty nasty myself. She had some chicken nuggets at daycare and apparently liked them so it's probably the baby food.


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