The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Teething #6

Teething is back on. Poor baby girl. She's drooling like a faucet. The last 2 days she has started to take her bottle and stops, starts and stops, etc.. I can tell her gums are really hurting her. I've taken to giving her orajel before she eats and that helps. Motrin seems to help a lot too.

She woke last night about 40 minutes after I put her down to sleep. She was really screaming so I went to her. She fell asleep before she finished her bottle. I gave her some orajel and she drank the whole bottle then went back down to sleep. She woke up when I put her back in her crib and it took her about 5 minutes to really settle in. I stayed with her until she was asleep then she slept all night.

I'm trying to cut her back to 5 bottles a day. I though giving her a bottle in the morning instead of breastfeeding would do the trick but she still chowed all 6 bottles. Yesterday she had:

7:00 AM - 6 oz bottle
8:30 AM - 6 oz bottle, jar of baby food, 1/2 banana
11:30 AM -6 oz bottle, jar of baby food, 1/2 banana
3:30 PM - 6 oz bottle
6:30 PM - 4 oz bottle, jar of baby food
7:30 PM - 2 oz bottle
8:15 PM - 8 oz bottle

normally she eats 6 oz at 6:30 and again at 7:30 and is done for the night. This morning I gave her 8 oz. We'll see when I pick her up from daycare if she still finished all of her bottles. I'll probably try 9 oz tomorrow morning since she sucked down every drop this morning.


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