The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Thursday, June 23, 2005

An average day

Yesterday was just a typical day. I picked Lauren up from daycare. She played on the floor while I cleaned the kitchen and got dinner partially ready then I played on the floor with her for 30 minutes. We played her piano, her train, her music toy, and we read 3 books. Next she got a bath, then had dinner. I tried to feed her boiled carrots mushed up but it didn't work so well. I didn't cook them enough so they were not mushy enough. They were a slight bit chunky and she seemed to have a hard time getting them down. She kept gagging like it was stuck in her throat. So, we skipped it and went on the the beef baby food. Now she has had all of the meats except ham. We are starting to introduce "regular foods" slowly - small bits of pasta, etc.. She hasn't had much yet but she seems to be doing well with what we have given her. Bedtime came around and she nursed forever but never fell asleep. Finally I put her in her crib awake and she cried for a few minutes then fell asleep. She was up about 10 minutes later then put herself asleep, up again 10 minutes later and put herself back asleep, then about 5 minutes later she was screaming bloody murder and was wide awake. Daddy got home just then so I took her out of her crib so she could visit with him. She stayed up until Daddy rocked her to sleep around 10:00 then we didn't hear a peep out of her until 6:40 am. She woke in a great mood this morning. She was in her crib laughing before I went in there.
Miss Lynda at daycare asked us to bring hats with an elastic band b/c she won't keep the hat on anymore. She's in a walker outside at daycare now and it's harder to keep her in the shade all day now like she used to. Time to get out the old needle and thread and put some silly elastic on her hats. :)


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