The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Grammy & Grampa Mertz's June visit to Atlanta

Lauren's Grammy & Grampa Mertz from Troy visited for the weekend. Lauren & Lara picked them up @ the airport & Lauren smiled big to Grammy & had a tentative look for grampa, as always. Grammy & Grampa babysat while Mom & Dad did stuff sometimes. Lauren went to the Park with Grammy & Grampa. She also had watermelon for the 2nd time & chicken for the 1st. She stood up & played with her new toy for a long time & slept with Grammy & Grampa quite a lot.Many pictures were taken & often Lauren tipped her head to the side for pictures & just to be cute (like her Mom did when she was a baby). Grammy & Grampa had a wonderful time & can't wait until the next visit. Maybe Grammy & Grampa will sneak Lauren home in their carry-on @ the airport.


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