The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Monday, June 06, 2005

Brooklyn, West Point and back home

We traveled again this weekend. Matt went up to West Point on Wednesday. Lauren and I went to Brooklyn on Thursday to stay with Bob & Julie. I was slightly nervous about traveling now that she is getting more and more active but everything went great. Thankfully we had a Grandmother sitting next to us that didn't mind Lauren playing with the fring on her poncho the entire flight. Uncle Bob & Aunt Julie fed Lauren and played with her and enjoyed seeing their apartment and sleeping with Mommy on the air matress. We took a tour of Brooklyn, went to lunch, swung in the park, and took a walk down by the water. This was Laurens first trip to New York. Friday night Bob & Julie drove us up to West Point. Lauren stayed home with Granny & Poppy while Matt and I went out to kick off his 8th grade reunion. Lauren did well with Granny & Poppy but they didn't get much sleep that night. Sounds like they had a great time though and they got lots of time together since Lauren stayed up and partied until 11:00 PM. Saturday we went to the picnic at Round Pond and Lauren met lots and lots of Daddys long time friends. She was exhausted by the end of the day as she never got a nap in. She was very cranky by time we got home so Mommy and Lauren took a nap together. Granny and Poppy watched her again that night while Mommy & Daddy went out. Sunday we flew home.
Sunday night was a rough night. Lauren went to bed at 9, woke from 12-12:45 and again from 2-3:45, then woke again at 4. At that point, I took her in the guest room and slept with her so I could soothe her back to sleep when she woke. She was very, very tired this morning and fell asleep on the changing table as I changed her diaper. Lynda at daycare said she was very restless and cried quite a bit but got better after her afternoon nap. I'm concerned that possibly her ear infection never went away b/c she has been rubbing her ear a bit. Then again she also does this when she's tired so it's hard to say. She could also just be overtired from a busy weekend, or it could be teething related. She is drooling like mad again. Once again, it's just so hard to know what to do... I don't want to over-react, but I also don't want to ignore it since she doesn't seem to give too much indication when she is sick. Anyways, we have a follow up visit to the doc tomorrow to see if her ear infection cleared up so I guess we'll see if that is the case. If she has an ear infection still, I will feel horrible that we flew two weekends in a row with this. :( I did a dumb thing and scheduled her doc appointment tomorrow during nap time at daycare....grrrr, too late to change it now.
We will be home for quite a few weekends in a row now and we can get her back on track.

Oh yeah, Lauren is now babbling Da Da Da Da Da..... Matt is mush. :)


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