The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

I wish I had done this sooner...

I wish I had started this blog sooner but better late than never.

I'll try to remember some of the major milestones Lauren has hit.

Lauren was born on 10/19/04. She was 7 lbs 11 oz and 21 inches long. She is now 7 months and 1 week. At her last doctors appointment a few weeks ago, she weighed in at 17 lbs 6 oz and was 27 inches long. Boy has she grown!

She now has 4 teeth, her two bottom middle teeth and her top two "vampire" teeth. :) It's too cute. Her first tooth cut through March 18th, with the second to follow a week later. The third and fourth came in early May.
Lauren rolled over for the first time on February 12th. For the longest time she only rolled from her back to her belly towards the left. On her 1/2 birthday (April 19th), she finally learned how to roll from her stomach to her back. Now she is rolling all over the room in any direction. She's not getting up on all 4's yet but I suspect that will be any day. She is able to stand on her own if she holds onto the couch or something but only for a very short amount of time. She's been sitting on her own for a few weeks now and is getting better at it every day.

We started Lauren on rice cereal and oatmeal at 5 months. At 6 months we started adding in baby food. So far she has had green beans, peas, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, apples, bananas, and peaches. She seems to like everything we give her but the apples make her poop alot. Last Monday we started stage 2 baby foods. She had greenbeans & potatoes, and Apples & Blueberries.

We are slowly teaching her how to drink water out of a cup. At this point, more ends up on her that in her. She LOVES it and leans forward for more. I give her a sippy cup but she just chews on it, she hasn't figured out she needs to suck on it to get water out. She likes to play with it though.

I'm still breastfeeding but starting to wean her. I started adding formula into her bottles about 2-3 weeks ago. Yesterday was the first time she had 100% formula in all of her bottles during the day. I'm still breastfeeding her in the morning and before bed. I'm no where near ready to give that up. It's our best snuggle time. She's getting so active she doesn't want to snuggle much any other time. When I feed her I just look at her and stroke her head and cherish every moment. I'm so blessed to have her in my life.

Last week Lauren learned her first word: Ba ba. :) For a few days she just said it over and over and over. A few days later, she learned Ga. She's been pretty quiet for the past day or two. I'm anxious to see what will come next.


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