The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Friday, May 27, 2005

Am I doing the right thing?

Well, it looks like Daddy got pink eye too. And Laurens little daycare friend. :(

Lauren is feeling better as far as I can tell. She didn't nap well yesterday or sleep well last night though. She didn't want to go to sleep then she had a crying fit. I nursed her to sleep finally at 9:30 or so. She was back up at 10 and 11 and 4AM. I gave her motrin at 11 because she was rubbing her ear and I was wondering if she was in pain and that was why she kept waking.

Anyways, each time she woke, I nursed her back to sleep. It's so hard to know if I'm doing the right thing in that regard. I often nurse her back to sleep when she wakes in the nigth. Alright, it's more often than not, a lot more often than not. If I can't sooth her back to sleep without taking her out of her crib, I almost always nurse her back to sleep. I worry now that I'm starting to wean her, how am I going to get her back to sleep? Is she really hungry when she wants to nurse or is she just seeking comfort? She cries until I nurse her. It will be interesting to see how she does with my Mom this weekend. Mom hasn't had a problem getting her back to sleep in the past. I think she normally gives her a bottle if she wakes in the night. I've also been nursing her to sleep every night since day one. I really need to teach her to go to sleep on her own. She does great at daycare, they just put her down and she goes to sleep. That doesn't happen so well at home. Sometimes she will put herself to sleep, sometimes she won't. Since I'm not home with her during the day on the weekends, we don't have a consistant nap routine at home. We are often out running errands. Well, everything is going great as of now, I just wonder what will happen when I fully wean her...


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