The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Eyes, Apples & Sleep

Last evening I noticed Lauren has some goop in her eye - more than normal "sleep". I made note of it and wiped it out. This morning she had some dried to her eyelashes. This is in her left eye only. It's not red or irritated and she's not itching it. I'm going to keep an eye on it. I hope she doesn't have something going on with her eyes.

Well after a few weeks, I decided to give apples a try again. This morning she had a dirty diaper when I woke her. The only time she has pooped in the nigth recently was when I gave her apples last. We'll see how the rest of the day goes. We may need to steer clear of apples for awhile again if she turns into a pooping machine like she did last time I gave her apples.

Lauren woke in the night at 2:30 last night. I waited to see if she would put herself back to sleep but she just wasn't doing it. I checked her diaper and she had fille it to the point that it leake out and soaked her onsie. Poor baby girl. I changed her and nursed her back to sleep. She's really been filling those diapers in teh night lately! I think it's because she's been falling asleep earlier that past few nights and so she hasn't gone potty before bed and had a diaper change. She must be playing like mad at daycare now because she is exhauseted and ready for bed by 7:15-7:30 at night now. That means we don't get much time together. :(

We went for a walk after daycare yesterday - about 1.8 miles. She seemed to like it. I like getting her out but than I don't get to "play" with her as much. Mommy needs the exercise though so we just talk and sing while we walk.

Oh, I almost forgot - Lauren pooped in the tub for the first time yesterday. Then she started crying really hard. She never cries in the tub. I guess she didn't like pooping in there.

This morning when I went to wake Lauren up, she was already awake in her crib just laying there peacefully looking around. When she saw me, her face lit up and she laughed with her big wide open mouth smile. There couldn't possibly be a better way to start the day.


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