The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Playing hooky

Well, last night was a little bit rough but so far, we are enjoying our day of hooky.

I put Lauren to bed a little after 8:00. She woke at 11:30 but couldn't open her eyes - they were sealed shut from all of the goop drying in her eyes. She was crying so hard. We took warm wash clothes and put them on her eyes until she could open them and we could clean them out. She woke again at 4:30 and her eyes were not as bad this time but she had some crusties on her eyelashes. When she woke for the day at 7:00, her eyes were back to normal aside from some minor puffiness. It's amazing how quickly these antibiotics work.

Today we have just been playing all day and Mommy's trying to get some work done from home. She's sitting in her exersaucer talking up a storm. She plays well in that thing for long periods of time.


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