The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Pulling up!

Lauren has started pulling up. She can pull to standing if I just hold her hands. She's trying to pull up on her toys but most of them are to light to hold her weight and they tip over. We lowered her bed last night.

She's had turkey the past few days and seems to love it. I think she's going to be a meat and veggie girl. She likes her fruit but she seems to like the other things more.

We had a good night sleeping last night. I'm not sure if it was due to the new approach we took or if we just got lucky.
I put her down at 9pm. She woke up at 10pm. I gave her 10 minutes and the crying wasn't getting any lighter so I went in to her. I told myself I was going to try 10 minutes without taking her out of her crib and see if I could get her back to sleep. I patted her back and she just kept screaming. Then I sang to her and she calmed down for a bit, when I stopped singing she started screaming again. I tried rubbing her gums a bit, at this point she was yawning. She stopped crying while I rubbed her gums then popped her thumb in her mouth, rolled on her side and she was out. It took about 10 minutes maybe a bit longer. I didn't hear from her again until I had to wake her at 7:00 am.
I got EIGHT hours of sleep!!!
I hope we are on the upswing!


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