The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Fathers Day & feeding herself

Boy it seems like the milestones are coming one after another these days! I can't remember if I told you I started feeding Lauren some actual food recently. We started last week with some Gerber fruit puffs. They disolve very quickly so they are good for learning to chew. She did great from the very first one. Today at lunch I put some on her high chair table to see if she would pick them up and feed herself and she did! Yay Lauren!! First she just picked them up and played with them. Eventually I guided her hand to her mouth and she put it in. After showing her one time, she was doing it herself from there on out. Now, sometimes she has the food in her fist and she can't figure out how to get it from her fist to her mouth. Ha!

She's getting pretty skilled at picking up small pieces of things now, that pincher grasp is improving!

Last night she said ma ma ma ma when she was crying for a bit. Certainly not directed towards me but I sure like to pretend she is calling out for me. :)

We celebrated our first Fathers Day last weekend. Daddy wanted to take Lauren out on the boat for her first time so that's what we did on Saturday. It was a hit! Lauren LOVED it. She laughed and laughed at the wind in her face, she floated around in her little boat and in her lift jacket and basically just had a blast. She didn't even wince at the chilly water when we put her in. She even took a little nap on the boat ride back to the marina. I think we have a little fishy on our hands!


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