The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Friday, June 24, 2005

Spoke too soon...

Lauren had a rough night of sleep last night. We ended up in the guest room together. She went to bed late again, aruond 9:30, she woke at 10:30, 11:00, 11:30, 12:00. AT that point we went in the guest room and I nursed her again. She nursed forever but kept crying. I don't think I have enough milk to nurse in the middle of the night anymore. I finally made a bottle and she sucked 5 oz down and feel asleep around 2:00 am. She woke many times between 2 and 7 when she got up but went pretty easily back to sleep. *yawn* Tired Mommy today!! Her teeth usually come in twos, with the second following a week or two after the first. The first is just startin to poke through so I'm wondering if this sleep distruption is pain from the second tooth. Time will tell... Poor baby girl. I can't stand to see her so agitated in the night, it makes me sad for her.

On another note, the girl is learning like mad these days. She has this Ball Popper game that she just loves. The balls go through this maze and then pop up in the air then go back through the maze. It blows my mind that she can follow the balls with her eyes and grab them out of the maze as they move though. Her hand eye coordination is definitely improving. She also yells out to call the dogs to come play with her. If only they would realize what she is doing. Bud is starting to show more interest in her these days. He goes up and sniffs her and lets her grab him. Sunny's doing really well with her too. Lauren is seeming to be a bit more gentle rather than pulling at her ears, whiskers and poking her eyes as much. Anyways, Lauren is just a little sponge these days. I worry that I'm not spending enough time reading to her. She's soaking everything up and I want to make sure we are doing everythign we can to assist her learning. Reading to her is bit of a challenge b/c she would rather play with the book than listen to me read and look at it. I have better luck if I let her it on the floor with the book on the floor in front of her. I'm trying to read at least 3 books to her a day but that doesn't always happen. Sometimes more, sometimes less.
Daddy really got her laughing last night by tickeling her arm pits.


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