The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Missing Daddy, Doggy, go go go

Lauren hasn't woken in the night since I started putting her warmer jammies on. The temp is getting colder at night so I guess she was getting chilly.

We went to Michigan last weekend. Lauren and I checke out daycare centers and houses on Friday. We did find one daycare center we liked. The others were not so good. Saturday we went to Mimi & Papa's 80th birthday party and got to see the whole family including Uncle Bob & Aunt Julie. Uncle Bob (Julie too) is clearly smitten with Lauren and he's SO good with her. I wish we lived closer so they could spend more time together. She learned how to say doggy when playing with Uncle Bob.

Lauren still likes to shake her head until she nearly falls over. The past couple of days she's been saying go go go go over and over. I'm not sure what she's trying to say but I've been pointing to a picture of a goat in one of her books when she says it and trying to teach her that word. :)
She loves to point. Daddy is living in Michigan now and we miss him so much. After her morning bottle, I get out pictures of Daddy and we talk about him and when I ask, "Where's Daddy?" she points to his pic.


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