The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Lauren is cruising all over the place when holding on to furniture. She's getting around pretty well! She is still falling down a lot. She smashed her little face on her piggy bank last night and cried really hard. :( I thought she was going to have a fat lip but she doesn't.
Her balance is getting better by the day. I'm guessing she'll be walking in the next month or so.

Changing her clothes....Oh boy, not fun! She just can't stand to sit still that long anymore. She's constantly rolling over and trying to crawl away and she cries when I flip her back to put her clothes on. Giving her her toothbrush to chew on sometimes distracts her long enough to get the job done.

She loves her baby touch and feel books and gives kisses to all of the animals in it. It's too cute!


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