The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Lauren wasn't getting sick, just not in the mood to eat I guess. She's definitely getting a mind of her own. She's SO active, just going all the time.
She LOVES the boppy ball game that she got for Christmas last year. You push the button and it forces the balls, then they fly up, go down a twirly slide and back into the tube. She's learned how to push the button to make it start and when the balls start comoing out she yells "Oh, Oh, Oh!!!" and get's super excited and tries to grab them. Matt and I crack up every time she does it because she get's SOOOOOOOO excited. Then when the game ends, she puts all of the balls that fell on the floor back in the hole an pushes the button again. She even crawls across the room to get the balls that have rolled away and brings them back to the game.

I'm going to go shopping this weekend and get one of those toys where you put the different shapes into the holes. I think she'll like that. I can't believe she's big enough to do that already!

Oh, and changing clothes has become a nightmare. She hates it and cries and tries to get away.


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