The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Lemons, 9 month check up ( a little late) & pulling up

Lauren had her first lemon wedge on Saturday when we went to dinner with cousin Holli & Jay. She didn't even make a sour face, she just seemed to like it. She sucked on it for a long time.

Her 9 month check up was Saturday. She was actualy 9 months, 3 weeks and 4 days. Here are the stats:

Weight: 19 lbs 12 oz - 56% (she was 69% at her 6 month check up)
Height: 28 3/4 inches - 74% (I think she was 87% at her 6 month check up)
Head: 44.8 64%

Our pedictrician is a bit on the conservative side to say the least. She felt that her weight was something to keep an eye on. She said Lauren should have a minimum of 32 oz of milk which I try to do but sometimes she just refuses. For instance Sunday she only had 20 oz but yesterday she had 35 oz. Normally she's in the 25-30 range lately. Doc said to cut back on her solids to make her hungry enough to drink the formula since that's her main source of nutrition. I tried that Saturday but she was just crying b/c she was hungry and still wouldn't take the formula. I'm not going to worry about it. I think she's doing just fine. Oh, doc said no more than 15 cheerios OR one unsalted saltine cracker a day, and no baby crackers like veggie puffs...yeah right.

Lauren's getting more skilled at crawling every day. She's getting around but she's still pretty slow at it. She get's frustrated if I go in the other room and she cries the whole time she crawls to me sometimes. She crawls over to the dogs to play with them too. She's fallen on Sunny a few times so sometimes Sunny runs away from her now. :( Lauren got her first booboo on her head. It must have happened at daycare or in her crib. She has a bruise on her forehead above her left eye. Saturday (after she already had the bruise) she smacked her little head on the coffee table. It didn't seem like she hit it that hard but it was read and swollen within minutes. It never bruised though. I suspect we have a lot more bumps and bruises ahead of us now. Yesterday she pulled up to standing completely on her own. I was laying on the floor and she was playing next to me and she leaned over and used my torso to pull up to standing but bent over then she climbed her hands up my body until she was standing. Yay Lauren!!!

We've helping her walk all over the place while holding on to our fingers. She's doesn't put any weight on us, basically just holds on for balance. She's walking fast too. Yesterday she was holding on to the ottoman and quickly grabbed my hands and took off without even thinking about it. I think she'll be walking on her own in a few weeks. Maybe she'll hold off until Labor Day weekend so Grammy & Grandpa can see her walk for the first time.

What else....we're trying to read every day but Lauren would rather sit on the book on all fours. Sometimes she leans down and gives kisses to the animals.


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