The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Croup, 2nd birthday party, stomach virus

Lauren has had a rough go of it since we've been in Michigan. We found out a week and a half ago (Friday Oct. 21st) that she had croup. It was a rough few nights. Her second 1st birthday party was on Sunday and it was fun but she wasn't feeling great. She didn't get into her cake too much. Uncle Bob & Aunt Julie got her a dance with me Elmo that does the hokey pokey and whenever it fell over, she would cry.
She eventually got a shot of steroids in the ER on Monday morning a 4 am. She was finally acting like she felt 100% better on Friday. She had not been eating much while sick. Friday was a good day at daycare. Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch with Grammy & Grandpa and had a blast. There was a petting farm, a pumpkin patch, a straw structure, and a cider mill. Lauren LOVED the goats and other animals and got very excited. She didn't like the larger animals like the ponys and donkeys as much.

Sunday morning Lauren had breakfast then went down for a nap and then threw up her breakfast. She also threw up her lunch and dinner. She was in a good mood otherwise and wasn't running a fever. She slept well through the night but Monday when she woke, she was throwing up still and was very lathargic. We went to the doc and found out it's a stomach virus - she just has to wait it out. She didn't eat much through the day and threw up everything she did eat. We gave 10 cc's of pedialyte every 15 minutes to ward off dehydration. Two more bouts of throw up on Tuesday then on to diarrea. Poor baby girl. Hopefully this is almost over.


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