The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bad dreams?

Lauren woke up from a dead sleep crying really hard last night at about 4 am. She usually sleeps soundly through the entire night. I mentioned it at daycare this morning and she said she had done that during her nap yesterday and she had to go rub her back to get her back to sleep. I took Lauren out of her crib and rocked her but she was still crying so I ended up making her a bottle and she ate the whole thing (10 oz) and went back to sleep until normal wake time.

When I picked her up from daycare today, she had done it again at nap time. I'm wondering if it's bad dreams. Her ear infection seems to have been gone for days but she's still on the meds. She's also teething but she's never done this while teething before. Poor baby. I hope she's not having bad dreams. :(


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