The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Fun weekend in pictures and video

Here has been our FUN weekend!

Lauren learns to give hugs, Lauren learns to climb the stairs, Lauren and Daddy watch Michigan football,
and last but not least, here's video of peek-a-boo (oh, one time she actually said Peeka!)

Daddy was in town from Michigan and we've been having a blast!

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Bad dreams?

Lauren woke up from a dead sleep crying really hard last night at about 4 am. She usually sleeps soundly through the entire night. I mentioned it at daycare this morning and she said she had done that during her nap yesterday and she had to go rub her back to get her back to sleep. I took Lauren out of her crib and rocked her but she was still crying so I ended up making her a bottle and she ate the whole thing (10 oz) and went back to sleep until normal wake time.

When I picked her up from daycare today, she had done it again at nap time. I'm wondering if it's bad dreams. Her ear infection seems to have been gone for days but she's still on the meds. She's also teething but she's never done this while teething before. Poor baby. I hope she's not having bad dreams. :(

Monday, September 19, 2005


Well, she said it. I was hoping it would take longer for her to pick up this word. I try to use it sparingly but I'm sure with Miss Lynda having 5 toddlers at daycare, she's probably saying it constantly. Plus, I've been having to use it more these days to teach her to stay away from cords, the stove, etc..

So, she's in her highchair (which I have to strap her into these days b/c she's trying to climb out) and she's having fun just shaking her head over and over and then there it comes, a nice long clear "Noooooooooooooooooooooo"

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Daddy's picture & more walking

I can't believe how much her walking has improved in one day alone. She took 8 steps tonight while webcamming with Grammy & Grandpa. It's so exciting! (yet I'm a little scared) :)

We haven't seen Daddy in a week now. Every morning we take his picture down from the shelf and look at it and talk about him. Today after her nap, she was playing on the floor and I said "where's Daddy"? and she pointed to the shelf. I took his picture down and she pointed at him and said "DA".

Friday, September 16, 2005

Walking, blowing kisses, and ANOTHER ear infection

Yesterday Lauren blew me a kiss when I dropped her off at daycare. Oh so sweet!!! Makes my hart melt.

Today when I picked her up from daycare, I held her in place until she had her balance then she took 3 steps. She did it 3 more times. She's gonna be running in no time!

Wednesday I figured out she has ANOTHER ear infection. They seem to come with teething. Tooth #8 is on it's way, she's drooling like mad. I took her to urgent care immediately and got her on antibiotics right away and it doesn't seem to be bothering her at all. We got off pretty easy on this one.

She's trying to mimic a lot of what I say. She'll get the right amount of sylables sometimes or sometimes part of the word. She's getting pretty close on saying Duck.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

2 steps

Lauren took what I think are her first steps last night. We were on web cam with Grammy.I was sitting on the floor and Lauren was in front of me but no near enough to reach me. I helped her get her balance, then let go and she took two steps to get to me. Yay Lauren!!!

Tooth #8 seems to be taking longer to come through than #7 did. #7 just popped up out of no where. She's still drooling a lot and rubbing her gums with her fist but I can't see the tooth yet.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Missing Daddy, Doggy, go go go

Lauren hasn't woken in the night since I started putting her warmer jammies on. The temp is getting colder at night so I guess she was getting chilly.

We went to Michigan last weekend. Lauren and I checke out daycare centers and houses on Friday. We did find one daycare center we liked. The others were not so good. Saturday we went to Mimi & Papa's 80th birthday party and got to see the whole family including Uncle Bob & Aunt Julie. Uncle Bob (Julie too) is clearly smitten with Lauren and he's SO good with her. I wish we lived closer so they could spend more time together. She learned how to say doggy when playing with Uncle Bob.

Lauren still likes to shake her head until she nearly falls over. The past couple of days she's been saying go go go go over and over. I'm not sure what she's trying to say but I've been pointing to a picture of a goat in one of her books when she says it and trying to teach her that word. :)
She loves to point. Daddy is living in Michigan now and we miss him so much. After her morning bottle, I get out pictures of Daddy and we talk about him and when I ask, "Where's Daddy?" she points to his pic.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Uh Oh!

Lauren says it all the time now...Uh Oh! She sits in the car seat and says it. I love hearing her talking away back there.

Daddy has a cold, I hope she doesn't get one too. She's woken up in the night a few times the past few nights. This is probably teething related, but she may be cold. I'm going to dress her a bit warmer tonight and see if that helps. It dawned on me this morning that maybe that's why she's starting to sleep with her legs tucked up under her. I'm afraid her warmer pj's would be too warm though.

Lauren is still getting a little bit of baby food each day but she's mainly eating big girl food now. I do send some baby food to daycare each day but that will probably end in the next week or so b/c she would much rather feed herself. She's been having cheese, chicken, turkey, fruit, crackers, yogurt, ravioli, steamed veggies, rice, lots of different stuff lately.

She's getting closer to walking every day. Grammy and Grandpa came to town last weekend to baby sit her and they said she took one step towards Grandpa.
More than walking, she's doing a lot of falling. She bumped her head two times last night and has a bump on her forehead and one on her cheek.

We're working on "Where are Laurens feet?" and "Where's Laurens belly" these days. I think she might get the feet because sometimes she puts them in the air when I say that, then again, sometimes she doesn't and she's always moving so maybe it's just a coincidence. No response to the belly yet. I just put her hands on her belly when I say it to her.

Yesterday she was taking the balls from her Popper toy and putting them in her Daddys mouth. He would blow the ball out of his mouth into the air and she would laugh, get the ball and put it back in his mouth. This went on for a loooooong time.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Lauren's first word...??

We may have Laurens first word! Ready for the drumroll........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ BUDDY!

Buddy is our dog. The night before last, Matt swears she said Buddy. I was skeptical. Last night, we would say, "Where's Buddy?" and she would look at him and mimick us with random two syllable sounds, eventually she got closer and was saying some things along the lines of Oh-dee and Ah-dee, then she flat out looked at Buddy, leaned towards him and said a clear "Bud" (which is what we also call him often).

It's hard to say, but I think we have our first word!

This morning, she also very clearly used sign language for the first time. We have been doing the signal for milk since she was about 3 months. This is just about the only sign language we have done with her. The signal is to open and close your hand as if you were milking a cow. She always does this with both hands when she wants something, or is in pain. I've always wondered if she picked up on the sign language and just used that as a general "want" signal, or if it was just a coincidence. This morning, as I was getting her dressed, her full bottle was on the toy box. She looked right at it, cried, reached towards it, and made the "milk" sign with her right hand.


Lauren's first word...??

We may have Laurens first word! Ready for the drumroll........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ BUDDY!

Buddy is our dog. The night before last, Matt swears she said Buddy. I was skeptical. Last night, we would say, "Where's Buddy?" and she would look at him and mimick us with random two syllable sounds, eventually she got closer and was saying some things along the lines of Oh-dee and Ah-dee, then she flat out looked at Buddy, leaned towards him and said a clear "Bud" (which is what we also call him often).

It's hard to say, but I think we have our first word!

This morning, she also very clearly used sign language for the first time. We have been doing the signal for milk since she was about 3 months. This is just about the only sign language we have done with her. The signal is to open and close your hand as if you were milking a cow. She always does this with both hands when she wants something, or is in pain. I've always wondered if she picked up on the sign language and just used that as a general "want" signal, or if it was just a coincidence. This morning, as I was getting her dressed, her full bottle was on the toy box. She looked right at it, cried, reached towards it, and made the "milk" sign with her right hand.