The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

ABC's and 123's

About a week and a half ago, out of the blue, Lauren started saying her ABC's beginning to end, every letter. What a big girl!!!
She's got counting to 10 down also, but lately she's reverted to leaving out 4 and 7. I think we'll start working on 11-20 now.

Poor bub was sick last week. Mommy & Daddy went up north for a wedding and a few days in Traverse City and Lauren got a cold when we were gone. Both ears were also infected. She's been on antibiotics for 8 days now but unfortuantely, it seems like her ears are still bothering her so she's heading back to the pediatrician tomorrow to get it checked out.

Lauren got to hang out with her cousin (2nd cousin) Daniel who was visiting from West Virginia today and she fell in love. He's 14 (I think that's right) and when he went home, she asked where he was all night long. Ah Daniel going?? Ah Daniel going?? Ah Daniel going?? repeat, repeat, repeat...

She's really doing great with string sentences together. Last night when we were hanging out from 1:30 - 3:30 am (yawn!) she heard my stomach growl and said "Baby burps! I hear it!"

I had a doctors appointment today and everything looks great with Baby G2. I'm back on being convinced this is a boy. All of my recent tests (gestational diabetes, hemoglobin, etc) came back with good results, blood pressure is fine, baby's heart rate was 150 and he seems to be head down. I'm 30 1/2 weeks now, 9 1/2 weeks to go. It's getting close!! I'm including a belly pic taken today. I've compared it to a picture taken when I was 32 weeks with Lauren and I look the same. I was actually measuring a little big this time - 32.


  • At 2:25 PM, Blogger MareAmi said…

    You're lookin great and Lauren is looking as cute as ever! And SO SMART! Way to go!

  • At 6:05 AM, Blogger Fred said…

    Looking good Mommy!!

    What a smartie Lauren is! It sounds like she is at the same stage as Cameron, verbally, and he has 3 months on her!

    It really is close now! I am still thinking boy, btw!

  • At 6:14 AM, Blogger Fred said…

    Oh gosh! I forgot to say, I hope poor little Lauren gets better soon :(


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