The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Friday, January 26, 2007

New pics

Look at that sweet face
Lauren's always trying to make her sissy smile and laugh.

We finally got a good snow fall and Lauren & Daddy went out to play in the snow.

Look at that belly and those rolls on her legs!

She tries so hard to get her hands in her mouth. She gets lucky with the thumb every once in awhile.

Look at those cute little teeth!


  • At 6:30 PM, Blogger allison said…

    Emily is getting so big! And of course she is so cute, just like her big sister. I want to see another comparison of them at 4 months!

  • At 8:46 PM, Blogger MareAmi said…

    omg how sweet are those babies??

  • At 1:19 PM, Blogger Shanon said…

    How cute are they both! They are both getting so big!


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