The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Friday, January 12, 2007

laughing and talking

Lauren is saying the funnest stuff lately.I LOVE that she claps and jumps and says "I'm SO EXCITED!".

She cracks me up how she thinks Grandpaknows EVERYTHING! If she asks me something and I don't know the answer she says "Gapa will know." Or if something is broken and I can't fix it she says "Gapa can fix it". She worships the man.

Not long ago she asked Matt something and he answered her and she replied "Thank you for knowing that." ha ha ha

Oh, and Emily laughed for the first time last night. Joy to my ears!!


  • At 2:19 PM, Blogger Fred said…

    Gosh it has been so long since I last checked in!

    I have loved reading the wonderful updates and seeing all the cute pics!

    Beautiful family!


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