Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
Friday, January 12, 2007
laughing and talking
Lauren is saying the funnest stuff lately.I LOVE that she claps and jumps and says "I'm SO EXCITED!".
She cracks me up how she thinks Grandpaknows EVERYTHING! If she asks me something and I don't know the answer she says "Gapa will know." Or if something is broken and I can't fix it she says "Gapa can fix it". She worships the man.
Not long ago she asked Matt something and he answered her and she replied "Thank you for knowing that." ha ha ha
Oh, and Emily laughed for the first time last night. Joy to my ears!!
She cracks me up how she thinks Grandpaknows EVERYTHING! If she asks me something and I don't know the answer she says "Gapa will know." Or if something is broken and I can't fix it she says "Gapa can fix it". She worships the man.
Not long ago she asked Matt something and he answered her and she replied "Thank you for knowing that." ha ha ha
Oh, and Emily laughed for the first time last night. Joy to my ears!!
Monday, January 08, 2007
Well, once again I find myself apologizing for falling behind on posts. I have lots of updates since I posted last but most of them slip my mind... So I'll just pic up with pictures starting a few weeks ago with Santa visits. Since I've last posted we went through some serious sleep issues with Lauren. She decided she wasn't going to go to bed or nap. We tried CIO which was getting to the point of her crying until she threw up numerous times. Then she started climbing (and falling out) of her crib so we immediately transitioned to a toddler bed which was a nightmare. Eventually we had to take anything out of her room she could climb on and also take out the stand up light because she was knocking it over and do some serious sleep training. It took about 3 weeks to straighten it out but we are now finally back to a great bedtime routine and her sleeping through the night again. PHEW! Emily is a great sleeper but getting her to bed is a long task these days. For awhile there, her bedtime was VERY inconsistent - anytime from 9:30 PM to 2:30 AM. Now we've got it down to anywhere from 10:00 - 11:00 which is much easier but we're looking forward to her going to bed earlier. Bedtime is taking ages for me because I want her to have a routine so I try rocking her in a darkened room and I start at 9:00. Some nights I'm in there 2 hours before she finally settles in for good. But, I know this is what I have to do so I just take my book in and relax while I rock her. We'll start some sleep training at 4 months so she learns to put herself to sleep but until then, I'm nursing/rocking her until she's out cold. Lauren and Emily are great together. Lauren still adores her to death and is constantly smiling in her face, hugging her and kissing her. Emily is smiling and cooing like crazy and we're looking forward to that first giggle any day now. She cut her first tooth earlier this week. She's an early teether like her sister! Emily is 13 1/2 weeks old now. I'll be going back to work next week. :( Today Lauren looked at my wedding ring and reminded me that Daddy bought that for me. I asked her if she knew why he bought it and I explained to her that he bought it for me when we got married and that Daddy is my husband and I am his wife. She asked me if Emily was married and I said no, then she said "I'm married". I told her she wasn't and she said "I'm going to get a husband and get married." Then she went over to the chair and pretended to scoop something up in her hands off of a chair and came over to me and said "This is my husband". I guess Matt and I should start saving for her wedding. Ha ha ha. Anyways, some recent pics... The Grice girls getting ready to go visit Santa: Both girls did great visiting Santa! When Santa asked Lauren what she wanted for Christmas she said "Can I have some presents please?" Then when we left she asked "Where's my present?"