The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Laurens 2nd birthday

Lauren celebrated her 2nd birthday on October 19th! This was the first of two small parties we had to celebrate. Mommy & Lauren made cupcakes for her birthday dessert.

She started the day with a song and baloons from Mommy & Daddy.

Later in the day Mommy & Daddy took her to Gymboree and then we went shopping for more fish for her fish tank and then a trip to the park to feed the ducks.

Grammy & Grandpa & Memaw came over for dinner, cupcakes and presents. Grammy & Grandpa bought her a Dora car. When Gapa went to bring out the car, he told her he was bringing her a suprise and she said "I close my eyes!"

Happy 2nd Birthday Baby Girl!!


  • At 9:18 AM, Blogger Viv said…

    Honestly...could this child BE any cuter????

  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger Fred said…

    Happy Birthday Lauren!!

  • At 7:51 PM, Blogger MareAmi said…

    awww what an awesome birthday! Looks like she had a blast!


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