Dress up and fun weekend.

We had fun playing dress up this weekend. We also went to the zoo and went to a pool party at Ed & Lo's house. Lauren got to play with Calleigh, Brynn, Sarah and Sean. It was so much fun for her to have someone older than her to chase around. Calliegh really showed her the ropes and she loved to follow her lead.
She's making us laugh with how cute some of her words are. Some of my favorites are bumbumbee (bumblebee) and yagybub (ladybug).
She was full of kisses this weekend too. She kisses me on the lips then turns my face with her hand to kiss my cheek. This morning she was laying in bed with us and she kept leaning over and kissing my cheek. She's so sweet.
She still won't say thank you. No matter how hard we try to get her to say thank you, she always says "you're welcome" instead. Makes me smile every time.