The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Monday, June 26, 2006

Dress up and fun weekend.

We had fun playing dress up this weekend. We also went to the zoo and went to a pool party at Ed & Lo's house. Lauren got to play with Calleigh, Brynn, Sarah and Sean. It was so much fun for her to have someone older than her to chase around. Calliegh really showed her the ropes and she loved to follow her lead.

She's making us laugh with how cute some of her words are. Some of my favorites are bumbumbee (bumblebee) and yagybub (ladybug).

She was full of kisses this weekend too. She kisses me on the lips then turns my face with her hand to kiss my cheek. This morning she was laying in bed with us and she kept leaning over and kissing my cheek. She's so sweet.

She still won't say thank you. No matter how hard we try to get her to say thank you, she always says "you're welcome" instead. Makes me smile every time.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Lauren loves Gapa

How sweet is it to see a 63 year old man sitting on the floor playing dolls wtih his Grandaughter?

No wonder she loves him so much!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

What a fun night!

We had such a fun night tonight!

I rode my bike.

I checked out the new flowers in our yard.

Mommy took me for a wagon ride.
And I ended the evening by running wild in the yard for about 30 minutes straight. I got some serious grass stains on my knees.

Click here to watch 'running-wild-in-the-yard-6-20-06'

Big girl cup

Look at me, I can drink out of a big girl cup all by myself without spilling a drop!


Lauren LOVES ketchup, which she calls kepups in the cutest little voice. Tonight she ended dinner with a few spoonfuls. Yuck!

Friday, June 16, 2006

Talking in sentences

Lauren is starting to talk in sentences. WAAAA!! She's growing to fast!!!

Yesterday she said "Mommy go to work" and today she said "Go Gammy's house today"

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

I'm cute

This morning I told Lauren to go show Daddy how cute she was. She went to Daddy and said "I'm cute!"

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Cleaning lady

This girl LOVES to clean. I hope that trait remains through her teenage years. She sticks her tounge out when she's really concentrating on something. Ha!

Monday, June 12, 2006

Puppy Love

We went to visit Grammy & Grandpas new puppy this weekend. She's 3 weeks old and will be coming home in just a few more weeks.

Friday, June 09, 2006


Lauren really loves her little baby brother or sister. :) If I ask her where the baby is she pulls up my shirt and rubs my belly. She also puts her cheek on my bare belly and suck her thumb. She's so sweet.

If she see's an airplane in the sky she points and says "Airplane", then when it starts getting far away, she says "bye, bye. See ya."

Yesterday she went potty in her diaper and then told me "potty, missed it". She's starting to catch on. The last two days though, there have been many times where she has sat on the potty, didn't go, then got up and went in her diaper. Still, she's doing really well. She always says "potty" first thing when she wakes up in the morning, but I can never get her jammies and diaper off in time...

I've been thinking a lot how the new baby is going to effect Lauren. I get sad during bedtime b/c it's my favorite time of day with her and I know it's not going to be able to be as leisurly as it has been once the baby comes. I'm getting extra snuggles while I can. She's growing up to fast. I can't believe how big she is getting, she's turning into a littl girl....too fast I might add.

She's getting really good at memorizing her books and prayers. If we stop at the last word of a sentence, she will often fill in the blank. She knows about a quarter of "The Hungry Catepillar" by heart.

She's going through a bit of a bratty "mine" and "no" stage. Can't wait until she outgrows that one...

Poppy, Granny, Aunt Laura, Uncle Pat & Corinne are coming over this weekend. Yay!

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Potty training

I've been doing GREAT with potty training. This is week one and I've gone on the potty almost all day every day this week!

Hula girl

I love the hula skirt Mommy & Daddy bought me in Florida!

Swiming at Grammy & Grandpas

After we went camping, I spent the rest of the week at Grammy & Grandpa's while Mommy and Daddy were traveling on business. I had fun swimming!

Am I the cutest or what?

My first camping trip.

I went on my first camping trip ever over Memorial Day weekend. Grammy & Grandpa took me camping in their pop up camper while Mommy & Daddy were at a wedding in Florida. I had a blast! We went to the beach lots, made camp fires, got real dirty, and slept in the camper. I also discovered that I LOVE ice cream cones!

Here's me taking a camping bath in the dish tub!

Here's me at the beach with Grammy!

Here's me at the fire pit with Grandpa!