Christmas and other cute stuff

We had a wonderful Christmas. First Uncle Bob & Aunt Julie came to town so we got to spend quite a few days with them. Lauren was a bit scared around Uncle Bob at first like she often is with men but she eventually warmed up. They spoiled her of course.
Christmas Eve we spent at Grammy & Grandpa's house and had a nice dinner and warmed up with a few presents. Christmas morning Lauren woke everyone up with Jingle Bells then we opened presents forever. We all got spoiled that day.
Lauren got a sweater, block set, and books from Uncle Bob & Aunt Julie. Grammy & Grandpa got her a Red Rider wagon, little people farm, puzzle box, college money, play broom and tons and tons more gifts. Mommy & Daddy got her flash cards, finger paints, markers, a purse, a horse, and a whole bunch more stuff too. She got money from Memaw too.
Later Christmas day we went to the lake house and celebrated with Daddy's side of the family. She got a kitchen from Granny & Poppy and a bunch of other toys from Uncle Jon & Aunt Kristin and Uncle Pat & Aunt Laura. We also got to met cousin Kaitlyn for the first time and boy is she a sweetie. Lauren and Corinne tried to practice sharing but it didn't go over so well. :)
We had a photographer come out the day after Christmas to take a family photo. It was a challenge to get the girls all happy at the same time, we'll see what the final result is in a few weeks. It should be interesting. :)
Lauren has been such a cutie patootie lately. She's really taken to her Grandpa and loves him so so much. She smiles so big and cuddles him so much when he's around. Grammy is like a second Mommy to her and she just feels at home whenever she's around. Grammy takes such good care of her. Lauren is with Grammy full time during business hours now. They joined Gymboree and will be starting in a week or so. Grammy has so much patience with her and she's constantly learning new things because of all of the time and love Grammy puts into her.
Tonight Lauren, Daddy & I were all watching football. As soon as Lauren saw football on TV she put her arms above her head and yelled "Ta Da!" (touch down!) Daddy was so proud!
Later I saw her inspecting her hand and pointing at it. I looked closely at her hand and noticed a tiny cut on it. I told her it was a boo boo and kissed it to make it better. The rest of the night she would point at her hand and say "boo" and kiss it. SO cute!!
She's learning so much that we don't realize. Grammy handed her her keys the other day and Lauren took them to the door and tried to put them in the lock. She's so observant it blows my mind.
Tonight she told us that a Ca (cow) says Moo.
OH, and Lauren is becoming quite the dancer these days as well. :)