The Adventures of Lauren & Emily

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Maybe she's going to be a lawyer?

Grammy just got back from Gymboree. Emily wouldn't take a bottle this morning so she was going to give her a bottle then feed Lauren lunch. Lauren said she wanted to eat first and my Mom said she needed to feed Emily first then she would make her lunch.

Lauren: It's not fair Grammy!
Grammy: It is fair, Emily hasn't eaten all day honey.
Lauren: You have to be fair and just Grammy!

What 2 1/2 year old says that?? ha ha ha

Monday, April 16, 2007

Video of Emily pulling up for the first time

Check it out, Emily is pulling up! She's growing up too fast!

Emily pulling up to standing for first time 4-13-07

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mommy & Lauren's date

Lauren and I had a date last week, just her and I. We went to Great Lakes Crossing and spent 4 hours doing fun stuff.

Lauren's such a little Mommy. She kept trying to help this little girl who was much bigger than her, climb up. Then she would run around to the other side and put her arms out and say "Want me to catch you?"

Lauren made some friends. They stood in a circle and talked about who knows what for about 5 minutes. Lauren kept asking the little boy "Do you want some money?"

We got huge hamburgers and cookies:

We spent lots of time with the Alligator at Rain Forest Cafe. She said that was the funnest thing we did. Ha ha.

She drove a car:

Lauren got a haircut:

We rode the Merry Go Round twice. What a fun date we had!!!

Easter continued...

Emily wanted to get involved in the easter egg coloring, so she licked the eggs

Check out Lauren's new boots, backpack and umbrella. Looks like she could be going to her first day of school!

Look at Emily sitting up all by herself!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Laurens first concert

Saturday night, Lauren went to her first concert. We took her to see Shawn Mullins and she loved it. She danced and clapped and even got to meet Shawn afterwards. He looks a little creepy in this picture but I assure you he's safe.

Easter Egg hunt

We went on an easter egg hunt last Saturday and the girls got to meet the Easter Bunny. It definitely was not spring weather! Afterwards, we visited with some pals and cousin Brynn got some practice in on holding a baby so she would know how to hold her new baby on the way!

potty humor

Potty humor is Lauren's thing these days.

A few weeks ago, she told Grammy she put poop in her birthday cake.

Yesterday she told me she likes to eat poop.

Today she was laying in bed with Emily and had her back to her and was giggling. I asked her why she was giggling and she replied, "I'm trying to toot on Emily! (insert excited, hysterical laughter here)".