smarty pants continued...

Lauren and Corinne had a Hugfest this weekend.
She's learning, learning, learning...
Other things she can do:
-hold up one finger if asked how old she is.
-point to all of the animals in her books if we say "point to the..." including: dog, cat, cow, sheep, goat, penguin, fish, horse, butterfly, pig, and many more.
-She also can point to Pooh Bear, Roo, Eyore, Tigger and Piglet in her winnie the pooh books.
-If asked, she'll tell you the sounds made by a dog, duck, cow, sheep, monkey and a few others.
- She'll wipe her mouth if you tell her to.
-Often I'll tell her to do something and she'll do it and it amazes me b/c I never expected her to know what I was talking about.
-Yesterday she counted my eyes. She pointed to one and said "wa" and the other and said "tu". We do this a lot but it's the first time she's said it.
-She's learning her manners! She now says "upa-pee" (up please) and "heh-pee" (help please)
-When she's pushing her baby stroller around the house, she will adjust the direction now rather than running into things.
-She learned to say Grandpa (Ga-pa), Pat, and turkey this weekend.
-If we tell her to do roundy-round, she'll spin in circles.
-She's really imitating our actions a lot these days.
On a funny and disgusting note, yesterday she was in the bathroom with me. When I got up off of the toilet, she instantly put her hand in the toilet to grab the toilet paper, I yelped and she pulled her hand out and put it in her mouth. Yuck!